Bob recommends using's nixspam list, also in the sample spamd.conf file, which is generated from various sources with a four-day automatic expiry.
# Mirrored from nixspam:\ :black:\ :msg="Your address %A is in the nixspam list \ See for details":\ :method=http:\ # Trapped IPs - so we can block them without using greylisting spamtrapped:\ :black:\ :msg="Your address %A has sent mail to spamtrap on this server \ within the last 24 hours":\ :method=exec:\ :file=/usr/local/scripts/get-spamtrapped: override:\ :white:\ :method
See for more information. SPF fights return-path address forgery and makes it easier to identify spoofs. 2014-10-18 2009-08-21 ipsets dynamically updated with firehol's script - LubyRuffy/blocklist-ipsets 2019-09-02 It takes the body of a mail, strips parts from it and then computes a hash value from the rest. These values will then be looked up via DNS. This plugin is based on parts of the procmail-based project 'NiX Spam', developed by Bert Ungerer.( For more information see Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::iXhash is based on the procmail-based project 'NiXSpam', created and maintained by Bert Ungerer, editor with the German IT-magazin 'iX' (
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Nowadays other donated spam data (e.g disused email accounts) is being used as well. Learn about organizations which maintain lists of IP addresses and domains likely to be used by spammers. Unmaintained Custom Plugins. Unmaintained and therefore possibly dangerously broken third party plugins. Maintained plugins can be found at CustomPlugins.If you own one of these, please move it and update the "Updated as of:" field. Ich setze Blacklisten von OpenBSD/Heise ein und noch andere.
Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, hosted by manitu GmbH NiX Spam (nixspam) Lists single IP addresses (no address ranges) that send spam to spam traps.
Maintainer : NiX Spam # Maintainer URL : DNSBL-and-blacklist-for-download-499637.html # List source URL
aspx NiX Spam ist eine DNS-Blacklist, welche die im Heise Verlag eintreffenden E- Mails auf Spamcharakteristiken untersucht und platziert die IP-Adressen von 21. Sept.
19. Juli 2005 he hierzu als zus atz- licher externer Spamtest implementiert. Heise publiziert die Pr
"Bi želeli kupiti viagro?" Takšna in podobna elektronska sporočila so v našem elektronskem predalu že dolgo stalnica. Nezaželena elektronska pošta ali smetje (SPAM) nas močno ovira pri vsakdanji rabi elektronske pošte, hkrati pa povzroča stroške in zmanjšuje učinkovitost. Po nekaterih podatkih naj bi bilo nezaželene pošte, ki se prenaša po internetu, že 90 %.
Unmaintained and therefore possibly dangerously broken third party plugins. Maintained plugins can be found at CustomPlugins.If you own one of these, please move it and update the "Updated as of:" field. Ich setze Blacklisten von OpenBSD/Heise ein und noch andere. Darüber hinaus gibt es ein paar echte Hardcore-Spammer. Die Firma Aquatix hat in 5 Minuten über 4 verschiedene IP's versucht, mir 30 Mails zuzustellen.
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An up-to-date collection of spam emitting IP addresses. Suspicious Sources. The blacklist of the iX email filter Sep 21, 2009 # Nixspam recent sources list. # Mirrored from nixspam:\ :black:\ The duration IP addresses are stored in the NixSpam blacklist is three days and there mod- ule. 2DNSBL NiX SPAM, Oct 2, 2019 1.4 RCVD_IN_NIX_SPAM RBL: Listed in NiX Spam DNSBL ( [37.231.
The blacklist can be used to protect mailservers against spam. But checking a single DNSBL should not be the only criterion for spam. More Information About Nixspam. An up-to-date collection of spam emitting IP addresses: The iX blacklist is made of over 500,000 automatically generated entries per day without distinguishing open proxies from relays, dialup gateways, and so on.
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회원이 사용할 수 있는 ip 주소 및 도메인 목록을 유지 관리하는 조직에 대해 알아봅니다.
Bert Ungerer was detected by NiX Spam at Wed, Bert Ungerer ist leitender Redakteur beim iX-Magazin des Heise-Verlags. Die von ihm im Jahr 2002 eingeführten Anti-Spam-Maßnahmen funktionieren gut: Feb 23, 2020 Nixspam blacklist [68] has the highest coverage of 60.7% of Black24. Nixspam blacklist has the highest unique passt – handgetwittert von Bert Ungerer (@nixspam) iX-Meldungen, heise Security and heise online. 27. März 2021 Blacklists und kann zu Fehlalarmen führen.
Apr 9, 2018 heise/nixspam's iXhash server anymore. I'm using the NIXSPAM IP-based blacklist However NIXSPAM reacts very quickly (so it can
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Juli 2014 um 23:47 Uhr bearbeitet.
Heise Verlag, Hannover,. Germany, 2003. [Vil08]. Mariana Ruiz Villarreal. Ergebnisse 1 - 100 von 752 23.01.2004; Sicherheit · Heise Gruppe GmbH & Co KG · Mit dem Projekt "NiX Spam" hilft das IT-Profimagazin iX Betreibern von 21 Sep 2009 # Nixspam reciente de la lista de fuentes.